This recently concluded month of FEBRUARY 2025, the Darwin ILI, which reflects my intraday trading strategy in the SP 500, has achieved a profitability of + 2.35%. In the accumulated year 2025, the profitability is +5.18%. And since Darwin was created (in February 2024) the accumulated profitability is + 17.49%.
In 2025 it has closed the 2 months in positive. And it accumulates a total of 11 positive months out of the 13 months in which it has operated.
The percentage of success in the last month has been 52.17%. The average winning trade was 27.91 pips and the average losing trade was -19.34 pips. Trading with an average frequency of 3.00 trades per day.
This is the analysis of the operation by week:
- Week 1: It was the most chaotic and intense week of the month. Many hours were spent trading and for most of the week the results were negative. Finally, the last day of the week was able to close with slight gains.
- Week 2: It was an intense but very good week, in which negative trades were limited and profits were allowed to run on positive trades. There was no need to trade on Friday.
- Week 3: It was an erratic week, with few profitable movements and in which, despite the fact that many trading signals failed, it was possible not to lose money that week.
- Week 4: It was without a doubt the best week of the entire month. Everything went well and very good trades were made. The system worked wonderfully and it was the most profitable week of all. Furthermore, it was not necessary to dedicate many hours to trading.
In the month of March we will have to be attentive as volatility is beginning to skyrocket.
Este recien finalizado mes de FEBRERO del 2.025 el Darwin ILI, que refleja mi estrategia de trading intradía en el SP 500, ha conseguido una rentabilidad del + 2,35 %. En el acumulado del año 2.025 la rentabilidad es del + 5,18 %. Y desde que se creó el darwin (en febrero del 2.024) la rentabilidad acumulada es del + 17,49 %.
En el 2.025 ha cerrado los 2 meses en positivo. Y acumula un total de 11 meses en positivo sobre los 13 meses en los que ha operado.
Los % de acierto del último mes han sido del 52,17 %. El trade ganador medio ha sido de 27,91 pips y el trade perdedor medio de - 19,34 pips. Operando con una frecuencia media de 3,00 trades por día.
Este es el análisis de la operativa por semanas:
- Semana 1ª: Fué la semana mas caótica e intensa del mes. Se dedicaron muchas horas de trading y durante la mayor parte de la semana los resultados fueron negativos. Finalmente el último día de la semana se consiguió cerrar con ligeras ganancias.
- Semana 2ª: Fué una semana intensa pero muy buena, en la que se limitaron los trades negativos y se dejaron correr las ganancias en los trades positivos. No hizo falta tradear el viernes.
- Semana 3ª: Fué una semana errática, con pocos movimientos aprovechales y en la que pese a que fallaron bastantes señales de trading, se consiguió no perder dinero esa semana.
- Semana 4ª: Fué la mejor semana sin dudas de todo el mes. Salió todo redondo y se acertaron muy buenos trades. El sistema funcionó de maravilla y fué la semana mas rentable de todas. Además no hizo falta dedicar muchas horas al trading.
El mes de marzo habrá que estar atentos pues la volatilidad está empezando a dispararse.
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